Dunlop Kirk
Caldwell and Dunlop Parish Church of Scotland
Sunday Worship First Sunday in Advent
Scottish Charity No: 000447
Sunday Morning Worship 1 December 2024
Caldwell Church 10.00am
Dunlop Kirk 11.30 am
Rev Maxine Buck will lead worship this morning.
All welcome.
As always, tea, coffee and biscuits will be available after the service.
The Christingle Service
All are welcome at our Christingle Service in Dunlop Kirk on Monday 2nd December at 6pm.
At around 6:30pm we’ll walk up Main Street with our Christingles to the Church Hall.
6:45pm will see the Christmas Lights Switch-On,
accompanied by the wonderful singing of Dunlop Primary School Choir.
All will be followed by festive goodies and refreshments in the Church Hall —
and a chance to admire our village lights which will cheer us through the dark winter nights.
Donations of mince pies would be most welcome.
Christmas Appeal East Ayrshire Churches Homelessness Action:
This year there will again be a collection of gifts for children affected by homelessness at Christmas.
Please mark the gifts with an age range.
There will also be a collection of tinned goods for the residents in temporary accommodation,
that is in the hostels and temporary flats throughout East Ayrshire
so that they can have a festive meal on Christmas day. Donations of cash to help with the purchase of these goods
will also be welcome if you are unable to arrange a children’s gift.
Could the gifts please be brought to church by Sunday, 8th December so that they can be delivered to Kilmarnock
for distribution before Christmas.
If you are unable to bring them to church, or would prefer to donate money,
please contact: Margo McMurdo or Lesley Beaton 01560 484824 or 07989 222397 .
We appreciate the support this appeal always receives from the congregation and the wider community.
Carol Concert – Dunlop Kirk 8th December 4pm
Cathures Chamber Choir
Come along and enjoy some beautiful arrangements of Christmas music.
All welcome! A retiring collection will be made.
A programme of carols, many of which you’ll know, a few you won’t,
and a chance to join in with some Christmas hymns.
Please come and support us and enjoy an hour or so of the real Christmas spirit!
Everyone welcome.
Food Bank donation bags are now available in both our church sanctuaries and church halls.
As organisations return from the summer break they'll be encouraged to make use of these donation collection points.
If you'd like to help out by collecting the donations from time to time and delivering them to the Food Banks in Barrhead and Stewarton,
please contact Alison and hopefully we can make up a rota of deliverers!
Below a link to the Trussell Trust website so you can have a look at their campaigns and activities
to bring about structural change for the benefit of those who find themselves unable to feed themselves and their families.
Tuesday Coffee, Tea and a Chat
Doors open this Tuesday, 3rd December 2024 at 10am - 11.30am.
Dunlop Rear Church Hall. All welcome.
Bible Explorations Group
Bible Explorations are on Zoom on Tuesday, 3 December from 10.30am.
Recordings are also available.
The Church Hall
Booking for the church hall can be arranged by contacting Brian McGaw 07359 063355
or email
Sunday Morning Worship - 1 December 2024
First Sunday in Advent
Rev Maxine Buck will lead us in worship this morning.
All are welcome to our service this morning, which starts at 11.30am in Dunlop Kirk.
Scripture Readings
Isaiah 2: 1 - 5
Matthew 24: 36 - 44
474 – Hail to the Lord's anointed
472 – Come thou long expected Jesus
479 – View the present through the promise
505 – All that I am
477 – Lo, He comes with clouds ascending
Would you please share this news with friends and neighbours who do not read this news.
View our worship online on our Services link
or directly on YouTube
Best wishes,
Margo McMurdo
Caldwell and Dunlop Parish Church Scottish Charity Number SC000447