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Open Afternoon discussion on children and young peoople in Church

Sunday 18 January 2015, 01:00pm

We would love you to be part of an afternoon of discussion, ideas and fresh-thinking about our children and young people in church. Do you have wisdom from a bygone era that you could share? Could you read a story in church one day? Could you share a hobby or talent with the children one afternoon, perhaps baking, gardening or sport? What about special events at Christmas, Easter, Harvest or Mothering Sunday? Have you children of your own and thoughts on how we can best grow as a church family? Are you willing to spend time praying for our youngsters?

Let’s get together and work on it!  Next Sunday, after a sandwich lunch following the morning service. It would be great to see the whole congregation there. (And yes, bring your children, we’ll have something to keep them entertained).

Location : Church after Morning Worship
Contact : Revd. Dr. David Donaldson


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